Heyfield Primary School

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This week’s Heyfield PS Champions

CLASSROOM AWARDS - Week 2 - Term 1

Room 1: Jaycob Leask

Room 2: Hannah Jagielka and Travie Willshire

Room 4: Jagger Cassidy and Immy Dinsdale

Room 5: Jack Molphy and Maisie Pratt-Turner

Room 6: Malachi Colbert and Bella Parrish

Room 7: Jacoby Currie and Caleb Darby

Room 8: Dominic Vigilante and Noah Dinsdale

LOTE: Brock Horspool and Noah Dinsdale

MUSIC: Charlie Bourke and Jacinta Carr

ART: Travie Willshire and Ruby Cassidy


Congratulations to Connor Robertson, Darcey Vanderland, Kodie Winter and Tommy Johnson for winning this week’s yard raffle. They have displayed our school values while playing with peers in the yard. Keep up the great work!