What happened this week?
A snapshot around the school…
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program
We believe that teaching the behaviours we want to see our students display, is the key to success when it comes to calmer classrooms and positive learning environment. This aligns perfectly with our Instructional Model: The Sunflower of Learning, our school values and our philosophy around the whole child.
We teach emotional literacy, expectations, skills and knowledge that will help each student develop self-confidence, resilience and self-esteem. We reward positive behaviours and re-teach, discuss and use restorative practices with setting consequences to reinforce the rules and expectations.
I have taken photos around the school of various anchor charts teachers have developed with and for students. The first picture is our Matrix which connects expected behaviours in various settings of the school, and aligned with our school values.
If you have any questions or even suggestions to improve this work, please do not hesitate to come and see any of us.
Stick insects
During the week, we had a visitor with long legs, and thank goodness it wasn’t another spider! Some fo our studetns enoyed interacting with a stick insect with Mrs Merlo and Mrs Taylor.
Today, while I was on yard duty, I took some photos of our students interacting with each other in different ways. You can see:
Our student leaders had placed their badges on the bench with a message “Don’t (touch)” so they wouldn’t lose their badge while playing Basketball. Great thinking! They were very proud of their work and asked me to take a photo!
Mr Bartlett was rehearsing for assembly and had an audience and dancers to entertain him too.
Groups of students busy chatting, playing, checking on the chickens or looking at minerals.
Cricket is still in fashion, for the next few weeks anyway!
What I love about our school is how junior and senior students interact with ease and look out for each other. Let’s see what they decide to do next week!
Well done to our school captains and vice-captains with becoming so much more confident already when running our Friday assembly.
Today, Mr Bartlett performed a song hoping to generate some interest for instrumental music lessons he teaches each week. Let us know if your child, in grades 2-6, would like to take part. See Ann at the office for the fees and put names down.
Next week, our student leaders for Junior School Council, Environmental Leaders, Transition Leaders, Computer and Library Monitors, Lunchtime Activity Leaders and Bus Captain will receive their badge so come and celebrate with them.