What we do …
From programs that help students transition up through the school grade levels to our very own Australian of the Year who is our fulltime Wellbeing Officer, and from Sports programs to School Camps/Events, this is what we do:
Teaching and Learning
Reading Buddies
Specialist Classes
Procedures and required documents
School zones
Transition Programs
Pre-Prep transition
Year six to year seven transition
Year six graduation
School Programs
Camps, Incursions and excursions
Cross-age learning with links to the community
Brekkie club - Walking School Bus
After school care program - Gumnuts
Teaching and Learning.
At Heyfield PS, we provide a stimulating, challenging and differentiated curriculum. Our Instructional Model, ‘The Sunflower of Learning’ takes into account the child as a whole. It prioritises the role of the learners and the role of the teachers in a similar way. Students at our school play a significant role in their learning, and we support them by making sure their wellbeing and emotional, social and mental health states are all cared for.
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Literacy and Numeracy are the main areas of learning, with a thorough Intervention Program to support reading comprehension skills at all levels. We know and understand the correlation between reading and maths, which is why we placed a particular emphasis on this area of learning.
All our teachers work closely with our Learning Specialist, Sarah Schellen who is a passionate teacher and inspiring leader at our school. She has led Literacy and Numeracy effectively with her teams and is committed to gain continuous improvement in our students’ outcomes. Emma Wojcinski, our Maths Specialist has developed strong routines in assessing our students, so our teachers can plan, teach and evaluate at their point of needs. Our resources in Literacy and Numeracy are rich and each student benefits with hands-on learning.
Reading Buddies
• Tap on an image below to magnify 🔍
Specialist classes
Our specialists’ classes are taught by expert teachers: Mrs Suzanne Taylor is in the Library, and teaches Indonesian and Library skills; Mrs Corinne Merlo, in the Art room, for Visual Arts and Mr Phil Bartlett, in the Multipurpose room, for Music lessons (whole class and instrumental lessons).
Rhonda Stuart, Australian of the Year 2021.
Our fulltime wellbeing officer, Rhonda Stuart, who was acknowledged Australian of the Year in 2021, is a genuine and passionate supporter of students and parents’ welfare and wellbeing.
You will meet her most during our Walking School Bus and Brekkie Club. However, if you ever need to chat face-to-face in a one-on-one confidential setting, her office door is always open.
She offers her support to all children in need for a chat and all parents too. Rhonda teaches Social Skills lessons, based on the Resilient and Respectful Relationships Curriculum for all year levels, which is a strong program to develop resilience and other social skills.
Our little furry friend from ‘Story Dog’ visits us from time to time and spends an hour a week with selected students while reading a story. This has been very important for our students’ wellbeing and mental health too. Mrs Stuart’s dog ‘Buddy’ also visits every so often.

Walking School Bus

Visit from Story Dog

Interacting with Story Dog
Information on how to find, enrol, and start a child in your care at a school in Victoria is available on the Victorian government website.
To enrol your child at our school:
1. Download and complete the enrolment form (available form the school upon request)
2. Collate the required documents outlined below
3. Return the completed form, along with the required documents, in person or via email to heyfield.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Required documents
Required documentation includes:
· Completed enrolment form
· Evidence of identity and date of birth (for example, a birth certificate or passport)
· Immunisation Status Certificate
You will also be required to provide information about:
· your contact details
· emergency contact details
· health information about your child (such as allergies or illnesses they need to manage)
· other legal orders relating to your child and their welfare (if any)
School zones
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones. Students residing in our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
· visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
· call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
· email the VSBA at vsba@education.vic.gov.au
Transition Programs
Pre-Prep transition
Heyfield Primary School offers an expansive range of transition visits for Pre-Prep students during term 4 each year. Varying days, times and durations across the term facilitates all these young students becoming comfortable with the school, and its staff and students.
Year six to year seven transition
Heyfield primary School has a very positive relationship with local Government and Independent Secondary Schools. All schools provide a number of valuable transition opportunities for Year 6 students to experience and become knowledgeable about their new school layout, routines, expectations, bus arrangements, etc.
Year six graduation
A Graduation evening is held in the final fortnight of term 4 each year to acknowledge student participation and excellence during their time at the school. Traditionally, grade 6 students play a game of Tee ball against staff and have their yearly water fight to celebrate their last days of Primary School. We formally send them off with a guard of honor at the last assembly of the year.

Transition Activities

Transition Day supported by Transition Leaders

Tee-ball, the Staff Team

Water fight!

Water Fight Teams

Bear Hunt on Transition Day
School Programs.
Our school has always been involved in various sports and we, as a staff, value the need for Physical activities and learning about the Sport culture of winning and losing. We aim to be inclusive and to offer as many opportunities as we can to all our students with a range of interests, dispositions and abilities.
We have an intensive Bike Ed program and compete in a range of sports as well as provide sessions to discover new ones.
Here are a few of the activities offered to our students these past two years:
Clinics: Tennis, Basketball, Wheelchair Basketball, Cricket
Interschool Winter Sports program
Hoop Time
Cross Country
Camps, Incursions and excursions
Grade 2 Sleepover
Our grade 2 students have enjoyed spending a day at the Wollangarra Campsite each year before heading back to school for a sleepover. They experience crossing the river using a flying fox and organise the collect wood and veggies. Wollangarra is a fully sustainable camp with no electricity, gas and water, which gives a new perspective to our young ones. Back to school, they can appreciate warm food, games and a movie before sleeping at school. This is often the first sleepover before heading to camp in grade 3! A very important milestone!
3/4 camp
Our 3/4 camps follow a rotation of away and local experiences for our students, as a milestone before heading to Canberra camp in 5/6. Melbourne is one of the rotations and we were able to cheer at an AFL game last time we went. Our local camp at Munjarra, in Glenmaggie, is linked to our Bike Education Program. Our grade 4 students ride out to camp supported by parents, teachers and police to ensure their safety. Activities such as Mountain Bike rides, damper cooking, Fishing, teamwork and problem solving games are a must during the 3 days out.
5/6 camp
Canberra is usually the most exciting camp for our 5/6 students. They get to visit parliament house during question times and the museums around the capital. Camp Coonawarra Farm Resort is the other camp in the rotation and horse riding, flying fox and the Giant Swing are usually the winners. A lot of squealing happens then!
Over the past few years, we have been lucky to develop a strong link with our local resources. Heyfield Memorial Hall and Library have organised wonderful presentations with various artists. At school, we have welcomed illustrators, drummers/musicians, police constables to talk about cyber safety and animal lovers who share their passion with us.
Old Gippstown offered our young students an experience they will never forget. They travelled back in time, sitting at the old school desks and seeing the design of original houses and shops. Many returned with wonderful stories and memories.
Cross-age learning with links to the community
There are many opportunities for our students to work with different age groups within our school. We have our reading buddies where senior students read to our Prep students and vice versa.
However, the main opportunity is during our Wednesday afternoon activities: all students choose 1 activity for a 4-week rotation.
Some are linked to the Heyfield Community, like planting trees at the Wetlands, filling teddies for the Anglican Church, visiting Laurina Lodge and playing games, dancing or reading with the aged care residents. Other activities such as gardening, sewing, cooking and making dioramas have been very successful activities this year.
Students enjoy the connection with their peers and gain experiences that broaden their vocabulary.
Brekkie club - Walking School Bus
Every day, our students can join our Walking School Bus and eat their breakfast with their peers. Parent volunteers help us on a roster basis with each service and we see many students come just for the fun of it. Do not hesitate to join us too!
After school care program - Gumnuts
Gumnuts early learning Centre operates an After School Care program. For further information or to make a booking, please contact Gumnuts on (03) 5144 6952.