This week’s Heyfield PS Champions
CLASSROOM AWARDS - Week 11 - Term 4
Room 1: The whole class
Room 2: Aurora Tatt and Noah Dinsdale
Room 4: Timothy Henning
Room 5: Brock Horspool and Logan Tatt
Room 6: Ryan Pope and Blake Fuller
As expected, after a very successful year, House of THORPE won easily ahead of the other houses. well done everyone and let’s see who wins next year!!
Public Speaking Competition
Well done to our three brave and tenacious students who participated in the Lions Club Public Speaking Competition, back at the beginning of this term. They were presented with their certificates to congratulate them.
Good work Isla Molphy, Ruby Cassidy and Elsie Smith.
Thank you very much to anyone who helped us throughout the year with walking school bus, Brekkie Club, excursions, swimming, library books and listening to our students read.
You are wonderful and we appreciate you. Next year, we will aim to welcome even more parents come into classrooms and listen to our students read, so keep an eye or ear out!
First and last
This past week, our new school captains ran their very first assembly as part of their role. They did extremely well and I look forward working with all of them. Our current school captains ran their last assembly on Friday before we got to say goodbye.