What happened this week?
Music - Message from Mr Bartlett
Next assembly is next week and we will have our guitar and keyboard group performing two songs. Parents are more than welcome to attend to support their children.
Reconciliation Day
On Thursday, while all classroom teachers were doing some moderation work to get ready for report writing, all students got mixed in 5 groups to learn about Reconciliation Day.
They took part in activities related to Sorry Day and learnt more about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ culture and Australia’s History. They read a Dreamtime story and created a fantastic banner after learning about the significance of the ‘hand’. Mia Meacham, one wonderful artist at our school, painted a serpent before everyone could add their hands too. Another activity was to reflect on the this year’s theme: ‘Be A Voice For Generations’. We agreed that it is for everyone, regardless of our cultural background, to tell the story of Australia and reconciliating with the past, which impacted on the population of Australia’s First People. We listened and discussed the song ‘From Little Things, Big Things Grow’ with our Senior students and listened to the song ‘We are Australian’ in Yawuru language with the Junior students.
We agreed that Reconciliation Day is about Hope, understanding and making things better, rather than looking at our History with a blaming eye.
Transition Day
Our grade 6 students are getting ready to go to high school next year. They went to Maffra Secondary College for a visit yesterday and took part in a PE, Art and Science lesson.
There are already many jumpers in the lost property basket! Not labelled, waiting for you to come and get them!
Please make sure you write your name in your clothing so we can return them easily.