What happened this week?

Message from Mr Bartlett

Well done to Room 5 who performed today at assembly. It’s hard to be the first ones and you did awesome. Next week, we will have Room 6 performing.

Assembly will start at 2:15pm.

A snapshot around the school…

Timber Festival

It was a very rainy, cold and windy day on Saturday but this did not stop the event going. Some of our students won the tag of war and were very proud of their prize.

Sunday was perfect and it was great to see so many students join the march too. Thank you to everyone who helped us with the props and carrying the front and back of our log truck.

Swimming Program

Our grade 3-6 students competed in our Swimming Carnival, last Monday. It was a beautiful day and we saw many resilient children giving a go at all the swimming strokes. While some were resting in between races or dancing with Miss Barclay, others were focusing on their role with timers and ropes!

A great day and Thorpe won again!

Wednesday Activities

We started our activities with Skipping this year! We have some very talented students and they are practising during recess and lunchtime too!

Dress-Up Day

Today was our first Dress-Up Day with the theme, chosen by Junior school counsellors, ‘Dress Like a Teacher. There were many Miss Sweet, Miss Schmidt, Megan, Miss Holt, Mrs Merlo, Mrs Stuart, Mr Bartlett, Mr Fasoli, Bill… and Mr Kelly too! What a fun way to start the year with our dress-ups!

Next is Crazy Sock Day on 21st March with a gold coin donation to go towards Downsyndrome Research.


This week’s Heyfield PS Champions


This week’s Heyfield PS Champions