What happened this week?
A snapshot around the school…
Gifts to the RV Park
Bill Smith designed and organised this project linked to our Wednesday Activities. Many students from our school painted, decorated and put together gifts. Our school captain Hudson Turner and Vice-Captain Makayla Southey presented them on behalf of our school to the RV Park Manager, who placed them on display for travellers to take with them as a souvenir from our town. Sue Artso and Ken Noble were there too to show their support, as the Lions Club was involved from the start, and contributed in the purchase of material and tools to make the gifts. Our beloved Ted Artso was part of this project from the beginning too.
We have since received thank yous from people who have showed their gratitude and appreciate the thought and effort. many more to come!
Swimming Program
Junior and Senior students have started their swimming lessons and they seem to be enjoying it all. Thankfully, the weather has been good and maybe even too hot for the Juniors as it is inside. A reminder that we would like the girls to avoid wearing dresses on Thursdays because it is difficult to put back on after being in the water.
Senior students will have their Swimming Carnival on Monday. Everyone is welcome to attend and cheer them on. Remember not to take photos of students that are not your children, according to Child Safe Standards regulations. All students will need their snacks, lunch, towel, bathers, hats, drink bottles and sunscreen. They will compete in various swimming strokes and then have some fun in the water, at the end of the day. We are hoping to be there by 11am and finish by 2pm.
Timber Mill and Timber Festival - THIS WEEKEND!
Each year, linked to the Timber Festival, our grade 3/4 students visit the Heyfield Timber Mill, ASH Timber. This is a great way to understand further the history of our town and to get ready for the Timber Festival. Bill Smith designed and built with various students a trailer, a bulldozer and a Range Rover. We will use them during the parade on Sunday. Megan Stone designed, painted and decorated the front and back of a log truck, which will be what guides our group to march on Sunday. Huge thank you to Bill and Megan for the creativity and skills in these props. They have spent many hours during school, but also before and after school to make sure they are all completed on time. You are both amazing!
Make sure you get to the Timber festival on Saturday. There are many attractions and stalls at the market, with entertainment throughout the whole day. We will see you at 9:45am at the front of the Memorial Hall on Sunday.
I sneaked into Room 4 this week and I saw some amazing writing! All students were practising to write the letter a-A.
You would think it is easy but at this time of their lives, students are trying to remember to hold the pen or markers properly so they don’t get too tired, then they have to learn to write the letters using the correct direction. Next, they will have to practise using the letters in words and using the correct space between letters then words!! A lot of learning and many brains were ticking.
Fun Times
We had some fun at school this past week, trying to spot the little hearts that were placed around the yard. A parent thought it would be a great idea on Valentine’s Day Week and she was right! We don’t encourage talking about boyfriend and girlfriend at primary school but the kids had much fun finding them and getting their photos taken. Look at these smiles!
Student Leaders
Congratulations to all our student leaders who received their badge today.
Junior School Council: Piper Semmens and Isabella Parrish, Millie Chandler and Harper Power, Lara Ratten and Dusty Hamilton, Jacinta Carr and Nate Ashley
Lunchtime Activity Leaders: Brock Horspool, Tess Stuart, Autumn Butcher, Angelina Randall, Ryder Bowker, Jack Molphy
Transition Leaders: Aurora Tatt, Ethyn Leask, Rylie Fankhauser, Matthew Chandler
Computer Monitors: Dominic Vigilante, Indee Synnott, Deklan Joncevski, Caleb Darby
Library Leaders: Deegan Meacham, Noah Dinsdale, Ella Kellett
Environmental Leaders: Maisie Pratt-Turner, Maggie Smith, Malachi Colbert, Olivia Kellett
Bus Captain: Harry White, Angus Elliott (Vice-captain)
The Junior School Councillors have already met and have decided of the themes for dress-up days this year. The first dress-up is next Friday and students can dress-up as a teacher. (There was a confusion with the date for crazy socks day, and this is not next week. It will be on 21st March, which is also our next dress-up day).
The Lunchtime Activity Leaders have prepared a roster of activities for each day and will write them on the whiteboard, in the yard.