What a great week!
Sports in Schools
On Friday, our students had the chance to experience playing ‘Spike’, which is part of ‘Sports in Schools’ program. The children refined their catching, bouncing and passing abilities in a competitive but friendly game. They will have the opportunity to do it again in a couple of weeks, when they return to our school.
Remembrance Day
Our student leaders attended the official ceremony at the Heyfield Cenotaph on Friday. Once the ceremony ended, we returned to school to take part in the ceremony we had organised at school. It was great to see the respect shown by all students during the last post, national anthem and also when the School Captains raised the flags from being half mast. Our school values of ‘respect’ encompasses learning about events such as Remembrance Day, when we remember the brave men and women who fought so we could live the life we have today. We also remembered the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers who joined the Australian battalions during these wars.
Our school was decorated throughout the week with poppies made our students.
Congratulations Lacey on completing your traineeship.
This week, the smile I found was from Lacey, who has been working all year in room 4. Lacey, yesterday received the news that she successfully completed her Cert. III in Education Support. BRAVO!!!!