What a great week!
While not much happened given the short week at school, we saw some great support for our Athletes this week. Many students cheered and clapped as the events took place during the livestream, at recess, lunchtime and after school! You could sense the pride we all had in the four students who represented our school at the State Championship.
Thank you to you all and thank you to the parents who took the students to Melbourne, it would have been a long day!
Congratulations to them all, and especially to Kobe Parsons for throwing his discus over 31m and coming first. Off to the Nationals Championships he is next!
The Arts bring many smiles to our students’ faces and here is the proof!
Annabelle and Olivia were all smiles telling me their Art class, this week was the highlight of their time at school.
I think this picture says it all. I cannot wait to see their art work.