What a great week!
Learning with a smile.
I found another smile this week!
Callum, during our Wednesday activities had to build a tower with wooden blocks. while others built a very tall tower, which collapsed after a while, Callum’s stayed very steady with some very strong foundations.
Wednesday activities
This term, our first rotation of activities are Bike Education for our 3/4 students. All other students are mixed in usually mixed aged groups doing gardening, walking around Heyfield and mapping the walk, hands-on activities with Bill and building with dominoes or wooden blocks. You can see it was much of a problem solving exercise in building the cubby, with the roof still to be completed!
Congratulations to all students who competed last Tuesday in the Athletics Carnival held in Newborough.
Out of our seven students, five are going to the next level and we wish them all the best. Melbourne, watch out! Here they come!