What a great week!
Concert week!
This year’s concert was at school, in the multipurpose room. While some staff organised the decorations, chairs and lights, others practised with their students the dances and songs, and the result was amazing. Ms Lofting made a special appearance as Neptune and a shark.
All ran smoothly and fun was had by everyone. I have attempted to place the video recorded at the 5pm performance on Facebook but the sound is not too great, so my apologies for this.
Footy Colour Day
We sang, we cheered and we gave high 5s all around. I tried to trick Miss Schmidt with AFL team songs but she definitely knows all of them and all their lyrics too!!
Wishing the best team to win this year’s grand-final!
This week, the gaga pit was the place to be! You could hear cheers, you could hear chants, and you could definitely hear some ‘NOOOOO!!! YAY!!!’ too.
It was great seeing the senior students playing together and challenging each other, in a respectful way. Well done you!