What happened this week at Heyfield Primary School?
Public Speaking Competition
With short noticed, students from 3/4 grades wrote their speeches and practised them before standing in front of their peers on Wednesday. Out of this round, Isla Molphy, Ruby Cassidy and Elsie Smith attended the Zone Final at the Bowls Club, organised by the Lions Club on Thursday afternoon.
Congratulations and well done to all of them as they nervously participated but showed fantastic resilience and confidence.
Student Leaders Commemorating
Our leaders this morning, have shown great respect when pausing for a few minutes to commemorate HRH Queen Elizabeth II. I explained how they were part of this page of History and while flying the flags half mast, we reflected on her reign of 71 years and the legacy she leaves behind her. May she rest in peace.
R U OK? Day
On Thursday, while all classroom teachers were working together assessing writing pieces and planning for Term 4, our students learned about friendship, asking ‘are you ok?’ and relaxation techniques to help when feeling anxious. They read the book “Have you filled your bucket today?” and created buckets, which represents their own and their friend’s. Students also made biscuits and experienced meditation. You can see that many of them, including our school captain Nayte Grogan took the exercise very seriously. And no, he was not asleep! I checked!
With this day, we aimed to raise awareness that it is ok to say we’re not ok, and it is helpful asking friends and other people if they are going ok and checking in with them. Mental Health month is in October and we will be talking more about this then.
Concert Ready!
Thank you to all teachers for investing their time and creative minds to get everything ready for next Thursday.
Special thank you to Corinne Merlo and Alie Lofting for coming on their days off to get the chairs ready. Thank you to Ann Pritchett and Sue Taylor for picking them all up!
Students were very excited to design and place the names of all players of the Netball and Football teams playing their grand-finals this weekend. Good luck to all.
You will notice our new school values posters around the school. Thank you to Troy Underwood from Heyfield Signs for this excellent design.