Heyfield Primary School

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What happened this week?

Message from Mr Bartlett

Well done to Room 6 who performed today at assembly. What a great drum session! Next week, we will have Room 1 and Room 2 performing, and Rooms 7 & 8 the week after!

Assembly will start at 2:30pm.

A snapshot around the school…

Yard fun!

Some fun times in the yard this past week. Grade 6 girls decided to try and do a pyramid, and they did a great job but had to be reminded to stay safe! It was very scary to see them do it!

Our lunchtime activity leaders organised a few games and other students had fun in various places of the playground.

Swimming Carnival

Well done to all our students who attended the Heyfield and District Swimming Carnival in Sale. They did great with many coming in third positions.

Coding Lesson

Rooms 5 & 6 have been learning about robotics and coding! They had to create a path for their robots to move, in various directions. The process they use is called coding, and using a language relating to programming and computers! So clever!

The Lions Club

After Ray Akers presented the ‘Be Like Ted’ award today, he explained to students what the Lions Club does and its purpose and drive. He discussed the importance of having young people starting to be part of the Lions Club to continue the legacy current members are building. Heyfield is the biggest Lions Club, in rural Victoria!

The Lions Club has supported our school is so many ways and we are delighted to create a new link. Students attending the Laurina Lodge, as part of our Wednesday Activities, will be called the Lions Cubs and will be wearing bibs with the club’s logo. They will be representing school and the Lions Club. Throughout the year, the cubs will have more opportunities to support our community.

Blue Tongue Lizzard

Each year, we like to remind our students and parents that we have a couple of Blue Tongues living on our school yard. Today, one decided to join students in Room 6, but they usually stay outside. Can you please discuss with your child to leave these creatures alone and to not touch them. Thank you!

And special thank you to Lacey who moved this sneaky one out of Room 6.