Heyfield Primary School

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What happened this week?

A snapshot around the school…


Thank you to everyone who helped run the Bike Education program this past week. All students were able to learn the skills needed to ride safely and had a practice on the footpath and inside the school.


There was a lot of cooking happening this week at school, with Mrs Taylor having the annual cooking lessons in Indonesian and Mrs Merlo’s cooking group for last rotation of activities.

Special morning tea

Thank you to all members of the community who attended our special morning tea on Wednesday. We are very grateful to have you supporting our students and families. We are very appreciative for the time you give to us, the resources you provide and the care you show. We feel very lucky.

A snapshot of this week…

Our 5/6 students are winding down with some cricket and looking very cool.

Our 2025 Prep students received their hat on Tuesday, after spending a full day during the Whole School Transition day. Everyone had a great time.